Operation Burning Edge IMPACT

…and I am in no way suicidal.


MAR 24, 2024


China Camp was just closed in Panama after our recent work —#OperationBurningEdge

In Panama, China Camp is called San Vicente camp. We call it China Camp because the Chinese invaders, Hezbollah and many others use this as a way station to the USA. The recent Hezbollah terrorists caught in the USA reportedly passed through Darien Gap — meaning right here.

@HIASrefugees @UNmigration and others materially aid Hezbollah, CCP, and others to invade the United States. About three weeks ago there was a major riot and fire at China Camp that seriously injured three @senafrontpanama officers. The fire curiously appeared to target vital invasion records. The records were apparently burned though there is a chance they were stolen. I have no specific information the records were stolen. The report is that records were burned. But it would have been just as easy to steal the records. We have been to this camp many times and know the geography. I personally spent months around this camp.


Secretary Mayorkas was a board member at @HIASrefugees. Mayorkas physically visited this camp on 18 April 2022. I was present. Mayorkas brought US taxpayer money to increase the invasion. Mayorkas is a refugee from Cuba of Jewish parents. Thus a board member at @HIASrefugees (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society…please visit http://HIAS.org and see the list of private and public donors). 

First thing this morning, a call from Panama clarified that @HIASrefugees and other NGOs have taken down their signs in other invasion camps and invasion flows have decreased through Panama since our last reports. Our work damaged their operations.

This is a fact. These NGOs and the governments they work for are extremely dangerous. I do not say this from any sense of drama — folks who know even a bit about my extensive combat and other experiences know that I am no drama bear. 

With that clarification, I say in full seriousness these people will kill us.

Michael Yon

I for one AM NOT SUICIDAL, nor are any of the Operation Burning Edge Team: Masako Ganaha or Chuck Holton. The Hot Zone Newsletter with Chuck Holton, Ann Vandersteel or Oscar El Blue. Nor is anyone else associated with our work to my knowledge suicidal. 

We have taken many folks to the camps including Joshua Phillips, Mara Macie, Rep Tom Tiffany, Bret Weinstein, Chris Martenson 

Chris’s Substack , Matt Bracken, Darlene and Bobby Sanchez (Epoch Times), Laura Loomer, Ed Szall, the RealMuckraker brothers, Ben Berquam, and many more.

Just weeks ago, the New York Times stalked us down there. New York Times is openly covering for Secretary Mayorkas, UN Immigration, Catholic Charities, WEF, HIAS, and others.

Your support helped close this camp — the invasion continues. 

You are at war. They will kill us all if we do not stop this.