November 2022

IN STATE AFTER STATE… Democrats Are Running as Republicans to Get Into Office – They Even Have a Name for It – They Call it “Secret Sleepers”

By Jim Hoft Democrats are running as Republicans in races across America today. It’s the only way they can win in a majority of locations around the country. So they pretend to be Republicans until after they are elected. They even have a name for these Democrat plants. They’re called “secret sleepers.“ In June,

IN STATE AFTER STATE… Democrats Are Running as Republicans to Get Into Office – They Even Have a Name for It – They Call it “Secret Sleepers” Read More »

Largest Funeral Operator in North America Seeing “Unheard of” Revenues

by Veronika Kyrylenko November 4, 2022 –  Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) has been a part of global news coverage for at least a year. The unexpected deaths of adults, including young athletes in their peak, are ignored by federal healthcare regulators, yet the funeral market is reacting to the “unexplained” phenomenon with record profits. Alex Berenson,

Largest Funeral Operator in North America Seeing “Unheard of” Revenues Read More »

World Council for Health Stands with Dr Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

ByWorld Council for Health, November 1, 2022,  We call on the ABIM to rethink undermining its own credibility in its treatment of this outstanding internist and cardiologist. Dr. Peter McCullough is a world-renowned cardiologist, the author of hundreds of articles published in peer-reviewed journals, and an outstanding physician who has been researching Covid-19 and

World Council for Health Stands with Dr Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Read More »

Plan to Release GMO Mosquitoes in California Draws Fire From California Lawmakers, Environmentalists

“People have not consented to being part of this open-air biopesticide experiment,” said the co-director of Californians for Pesticide Reform. “It is our understanding that while the U.S. EPA did approve the GE mosquitoes to be released in California, the agency did not conduct a thorough scientific review of the impacts of this insect on

Plan to Release GMO Mosquitoes in California Draws Fire From California Lawmakers, Environmentalists Read More »

Zelensky And Bush To Give Joint Pro-War Presentation

Caitlin Johnstone    War criminal George W Bush and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be appearing at an event next week at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, in partnership with US government-funded narrative management operations Freedom House and National Endowment for Democracy. The goal of the presentation will reportedly be to address the completely

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The Role of Biological Warfare in China’s Drive for Global Hegemony

By: Clare M. Lopez   In July 2021, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) issued a Press Release that, to date, stands out for its courage and honesty. Rep. Brooks wrote about a meeting he’d attended with Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist, and whistleblower, who fled to the U.S. from Hong Kong in

The Role of Biological Warfare in China’s Drive for Global Hegemony Read More »

Climate Reparations to Take Center Stage at Sharm El Sheikh

by Steve Bonta November 4, 2022 traffic_analyzer/iStock/Getty Images Plus Climate reparations will be the central topic at COP27, this year’s edition of the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, to be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. For years, delegates to the conference, in concert with environmental activists, have been agitating for the creation of

Climate Reparations to Take Center Stage at Sharm El Sheikh Read More »

Consumers, Workers, and Monopolies: Free Markets Serve All

By Yash Dubey, 11/03/2022 –  Before beginning, I am highly grateful and impressed by the success and spread of my previous work “Consumers, Workers, and Monopolies: Free Markets Serves All.” The article aimed to give a brief explanation of the importance of consumers in Markets and it will be continued further. The market can

Consumers, Workers, and Monopolies: Free Markets Serve All Read More »