September 2022

Stop Thinking Biden’s Divisive Speech Was About the Election and Start Recognizing the Real Enemy

What the Biden-Harris regime is doing is far worse than just playing desperate ahead of midterm elections. They’re doing the bidding of the Liberal World Order and must be stopped. Conservative pundits are predictable. Especially during election season, they see everything through the lens of how it will make an impact in November. This often […]

Stop Thinking Biden’s Divisive Speech Was About the Election and Start Recognizing the Real Enemy Read More »

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Disconnected by Ukrainian Shelling

Clandestine Aug 25, 2022 Shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant results in fires, disconnecting the plant from the Ukrainian power grid multiple times, causing concerns of cooling systems failing, which would result in the core overheating and a nuclear catastrophe that will cripple Eurasia and kill tens of thousands

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Disconnected by Ukrainian Shelling Read More »

Russia Gaining International Support as Western Crimes are Exposed in Ukraine

Clandestine Aug 23, 2022 Yesterday, China convened the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to discuss the topic of “Maintenance of international peace and security: Promote common security through dialogue and cooperation”. This is in response to the United States’ continual lack of transparency and cooperation on all fronts, to include their crimes against humanity in

Russia Gaining International Support as Western Crimes are Exposed in Ukraine Read More »

Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine? By The ExposéAugust 22, 2022   Prior to young girls being offered the Covid-19 vaccine, deaths among the age group were in line with the expected five-year average. But an analysis of official data published by the Office for National Statistics shows that deaths among female children increased by 57% immediately after they were

Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine? Read More »

‘Smoking Gun’: New Actuarial Report Reaffirms the Trail of Death Caused by Vaccine Mandates

The window is closing in on the death dealers. The Vigilant Fox Aug 19 Back in March, Edward Dowd dropped a bomb using the CDC’s own data to show an 84% increase in excess mortality among the millennial cohort, temporally related to the introduction of vaccine mandates from the summer into the fall. “There were

‘Smoking Gun’: New Actuarial Report Reaffirms the Trail of Death Caused by Vaccine Mandates Read More »

Fauci and the CDC Have a Lying Problem, and Now They’ve Been ‘Caught With Their Pants Down’

“We need to be investigating, and we should be locking up Dr. Anthony Fauci.” The Vigilant Fox Aug 23, 2022   Dr. Anthony Fauci became NIAID director in 1984, and during his 38-year reign, he oversaw the two biggest public health debacles in American history, the AIDS epidemic, and the draconian COVID-19 response.   Fauci

Fauci and the CDC Have a Lying Problem, and Now They’ve Been ‘Caught With Their Pants Down’ Read More »

The Science™ Takes Public Hit As Widespread Misconduct Spotlighted

By: Jefferey Jaxen – live Thursdays 11am CST   Americans were greeted with the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitting a ‘mistake’ in the pandemic response. Out of the other side of CDC head Walensky’s mouth, she called for a restructuring of the agency. With her at

The Science™ Takes Public Hit As Widespread Misconduct Spotlighted Read More »