Censures by the Mohave County Republican Central Committee (MCRGC) July 8th, 2023

According to the legal dictionary (https:/legaldictionary.net/constitutional-republic/) a Constitutional Republic is a form of government in which officials are elected by citizens to lead them as directed by their country’s constitution. ln Arizona we are also governed by our state constitution. According to Article 2, Section 2 of the Arizona constitution, All political powers is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. One of the reasons that we are Republicans is that we believe in Law and Order/Rule of Law (MCRCC PC handbook, pg 7). As such, when our representatives stray from the U.S. Constitution, the Arizona Constitution, and Rule of Law it is incumbent on us to shine a light on this darkness, and this is the point of the following censures.


Whereas Senator Wendy Rogers, Chair of the Special Joint Hearing, is censured for not using her subpoena power to investigate Jacqueline Breger’s February 23,2023 allegations and not investigating the signature verification anomalies presented by Shelby Busch of We The People Alliance of Arizona on January 23, 2023 and February 23,2423.


ARS 41-1151. issuance and service of legislative subpoena

A subpoena may be issued by the presiding officer of either house or the chairman before whom the attendance of a witness is desired. The Subpoena is sufficient if it states whether the proceeding is before the senate, house of representatives, or a committee, is addressed to the witness, requires the attendance of the witness at a certain time and place, and is signed by either the presiding officer or a committee chairman. The Subpoena may be served and returned in like manner as civil process.


Whereas the three Republican Representatives on the Ethics Committee: chair Joseph Chaplik, Gail Griffin, and Travis Grantham voted unanimously that Representative Liz Harris ‘committed disorderly behavior thereby violating Rule 1. ln addition 18 House Republicans: Speaker of the House Ben Toma, Leo Biasiucci, Teresa Martinez, Selina Bliss, Michael Garbone, Lupe Diaz, Timothy Dunn, John Gillette, Matt Gress, Laurin Hendrix, David Livingston, David Marshall Sr., Steve Montenegro, Quang H. Nguyen, Michelle Pena, Beverly Pingerelli, and Justin Wilmeth are censured for the following reasons:


  1. Erroneously using House Rule 1. House Rule 1 in its entirety:
  • A: The House may punish its members for disorderly behavior and, may, with the occurrence of two-thirds of the members elected to the House, expel any member (Arizona Constitution, Article lV, Part 2, Section 11). A violation of any of the House Rules shall be deemed disorderly behavior. When a roll call vote is ordered on the floor of the House and subject to the provisions of Ru/es 6 and 14, members are required to vote after a reasonable time, as determined by the Chair, and may be punished for disorderly conduct if the member fails to vote after a reasonable time.’


Censures by the Mohave County Republican Central Committee (MCRCC)


  • When any member shall be guilty of a breach of any of the Rules and Orders of the House, and the House has determined that he has so transgressed; he shall not be permitted to vote or speak, except by way of excuse for the same, until he has made satisfaction.
  • Only members may present a complaint to the Ethics Committee chairman regarding the behavior of any member.
  • Any member having obtained leave of absence and having in his possessibn papers relative to business before the house shall leave same with the Chief Clerk.


  1. Lack of disorderly behavior definition which should have been described in Rule 37, Code of Conduct. Rule 37 must be written and has been nonexistent since 2019.
  • ARS 38-519b-Each ethics committee shall propose, and each house of the legislature shall adopt, not later than thirty days after the beginning of the first regular legislative session, a code of ethics and conflict of interest requirements as part of the rules of the respective house in the same manner as the other rules are adopted.
  • Rule 37, Code of Conduct-The House shall have a written code of conduct applicable to members. This code of conduct shall be adopted, and may be amended, upon vote of the majority of the members of the House. B. The House shall have a written harassment prevention policy applicable to member behavior. This policy shall be adopted, and may be amended, upon vote of the majority of the members of the House.


  1. The text messages used in Representative Harris’ March 30, 2023 hearing were illegally obtained. First they were anonymously Ieft on an attorney’s desk within a secure area. Secondly, on April 3rd 2023 attorney John Thaler issued a Cease and Desist letter to Chairman Chaplik concerning these specific text messages. Chairman Chaplik and the Ethics committees ignored Mr. Thaler’s letter as these text messages were included in Exhibit 5 of the April 11, 2023 Ethics Committee Report. Mr. Thaler threatened litigation should the Ethics Committee ignore his demands.


Whereas Mohave County representative John Gillette is censured for his unprofessional conduct and the use of profanity while speaking with a constituent. On April 13th 2023 representative Gillette phoned District 2 Director, Cary Asel, about Director Asel’s April 12th 2023 email to District 2’s PCs. During this conversation Representative Gillette called Director Asel a “F..king idiot!”.


Whereas Speaker of the House Ben Toma is censured for introducing the expulsion of Representative Liz Harris to the House floor and for failure to move the Honorable Liz Harris’ election integrity bills, H82099, H82100, H82101, H82102,HB.2103, H82104, H82229, HB.2231, HB,2232, H82233, and HB2785, through the legislature. According to the May 9th 2023 LD 27 Resolution these bills had enough initials on their Whip sheets in support and did not make it past COW (Committee of the Whole) and third


Censures by the Mohave County Republican Central Committee (MCRCG) July 8th 2023


read, which appears to have been retaliation to not have the Bills placed on the board for a vote  by the Legislators.


Whereas Maricopa County Board of Supervisors: Bill Gates, Jack Sellers, Clint Hickman, and Thomas Galvin are censured for failure to uphold Article 7, Section 7 of the Arizona Constitution which states. ln all elections held by the people in this state, the person, or persons, receiving the highest number of legal votes shall be declared elected.” On April 17th, 2023 the Honorable Liz Harris received 71 percent of the vote in the LD 13 PC election yet the Maricopa County BOS failed to reseat her and instead on May 5th, 2023 chose Julie Willoughby who received a lesser number of votes.


Whereas Mohave County Board of Supervisors: Ron Gould, Jean Bishop, and Hildy Angius are censured for not adhering to Article 2, Section 2 of the Arizona Constitution that states: All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights. On Monday, April 10th, 2023 these Supervisors voted to change the zoning of two parcels in the Topock/Golden shores community. These three supervisors ignored the Mohave county Planning and Zoning Commission’s unanimous vote against this zoning change. Additionally, they ignored all input from the residents of this area, all of which were against this zoning change. (https://toystoragenation.com/20231/04/10/ residents-irate-after-supervisors-approve-arizona-development/)


Mohave County Republican Central committee (MCRCC) chairwoman, Jeanne Kentch, is censured for several reasons.


  • First, in 2020, 2022, and 2023 she did not adhere to the MCRCC by laws. Article Vll B 7 states: The Chairman shall be responsible for the annual Republican picnic, held in the month of August or September. The annual picnic dates are July 19th 2020, July 16th 2022, and July 29th Furthermore, she has made no attempt to amend the bylaws.


  • Secondly, she failed to attribute the original article authored by Rachael Alexander, Efforts to Begin Recalling Katie Hobbs can start in June but face uphill battle https://arizonasuntimes.com/news/efforts-to-begin-recallins-katiehobbs-can-start-in-iu ne-but-face-uphill-battle/alexander/2023/04/30/ in her ‘letter’ in the May 12th 2023 MCRCC newsletter. This is Plagiarism which means using words, information, ideas, etc. as your own without citing the source. Joe Biden is known for such actions.


  • Third, Chairwoman Kentch fails to thoroughly investigate incidents involving PCs. Moreover, she fails in civil discourse as she recently contacted the District 2 Director, Cary Asel, enraged as she made allegations about an incident involving a PC. For example, on Friday, February 3rd 2023 we PCs were tasked with contacting voters who had received provisional ballots. We had nothing to do with retrieving the names and phone numbers that we were to call. I contacted a voter who was not at home so I left a message for her to contact me. Before I left the office that evening she had returned the call and the issue was resolved.


Censures by the Mohave County Republican Central Committee (MCRCG) July 8th,2023


On Feb 10th District 2 Director received an email from the chairwoman concerning a complaint that had been received by Ms. Natalie Collins, the Mohave county voter registration supervisor. Without looking into the situation Ms. Kentch emailed Director Asel stating, “The learning curve is to always check the middle name and address before assuming they are the voter you think they are.” As my name was listed in the email, Director Asel discussed the situation with me. Ms. Kentch assumed that I had caused the problem. What Ms. Kentch failed to do was investigate all aspects of the incident. Had she performed an objective investigation she would have determined that we PCs were given incorrect information from Ted Boyd. As my name was included in the email, I contacted Chairwoman Kentch explaining that I had been given incorrect information. Ted Boyd and Ted Boyd alone was the one who put the lists together so we could call Bullhead City voters whose provisional ballots may not have been counted. This learning curve message should have gone to him, and not to District 2. Even after numerous emails she failed to recognize the problem. She even tried to put the onus onto our district director, Cary Asel. ln her most recent outrage of June 23rd at 3:06 PM, toward Director Asel, she yelled at him to, keep his PCs in line. He warned her to cease her yelling or he would hang up. When she did not cease, he hung up on her. I understand that the PC in question is contacting the AZGOP with their concerns.


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the MCRCC PCs find the aforementioned elected representatives derelict in their duties, and should they continue down this path subsequent censures will be issued up to an including the following:


  • Loss of support and assistance in re-election efforts.
  • Expulsion from attending any MCRCC meetings.
  • Encouraged to withdraw subsequent candidacy.
  • Encouraged to resign from office immediately (Adapted from LD23’s May 10th 2023 censure of Representative Pena).


To be introduced by Christina Dumal, DVM before the MCRCC body on July 8,2023


Christina Dumal is signature here              7/7/2023

Signature                                                   Date


TOTAL Votes:

Yea        ___________


 Abstain ___________


 No          ___________



Attendees __________