
These are some links to videos that we watched and liked.

July 2024 Videos

June 2024 Videos

Video by Greg Reese about the fraudulent globalist WHO Pandemic Treaty

They are planning more pandemics (a.k.a. PLANdemics) and more forced vaccinations

“The Baby Olivia project provides a medically accurate, animated glimpse of human life from the moment of fertilization. The story details her growth as she progresses from one developmental stage to the next, in preparation for her continued life outside of the womb.”

April 2024 Videos

“In this episode, I show detailed videos of micro and nano robots in C19 unvaccinated blood from shedding. I also show how these robots from the nano scale build the hydrogel filaments and constructions. This is part 2 of my construction videos.”

March 2024 Videos

A third-generation Mid-west farmer and expert on glyphosate shares what he knows

Dan Morrissey Interview by Leesa

(The file was too big to keep a long time. Contact us if you want to have it emailed to you)

Jake Lang  Interview by Leesa

(The file was too big to keep a long time.  Contact us if you want to have it emailed to you.)


February 2024 Videos

Research showing Covid and other operations were designed to kill and surveil people and to appear to fulfill religious “prophecies”. 

An introduction article and video.

Exclusive: J6 Prisoner Says Poll Proves 

No Unbiased Juries Possible in D.C.

See February’s first Bonus article 

for a visual of Polling Data. 

January 2024 Videos

This is a link to the documentary by Jake Lane, a January 6th, 2021 political prisoner who did nothing wrong or illegal. 

J6: A True Timeline

This is a link to the video on YouTube.  There are a few buttons to click before the video will open.

December 2023 Videos

Chiropractor & Functional Medicine doctor’s 3-year battle against the government because he went against the mainstream Covid-19 protocols.

An Incredible video by FreeNZ Media on Rumble

                      Everyone should see this

November 2023 Videos

“Tactical Civics is We the People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us.”


“We The People Are the Solution”

Eye Opening Images

The video  on her Substack is no longer able to load but there are some pictures.

November 2023 Videos

Great video explaining Nanotechnology

October 2023 Videos

September 2023 Videos

August 2023 Videos

July 2023 Videos

Video Link: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

“Pursuit of Happiness” might not mean what you think it does. Find out the real meaning.

June 2023 Videos

Bill Gates & the WEF want all produce to be coated with Apeel. Dr Jane Ruby questions Congress.

Video from the article on page 18 of April 2023 issue.