What is Geoengineering, aka Cloud Seeding, aka Chemtrails?

by: Jon Fleetwood 09/30/ 2024


In June 2023, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a congressionally mandated report suggesting that both global and regional geoengineering projects are being carried out “covertly,” without citizens’ knowledge. Geoengineering is the deliberate manipulation of the Earth’s weather.

Page 43 of the document confirms the U.S. government “conducts or funds limited research into solar radiation modification” (SRM), which involves the use of airplanes or balloons to disperse potentially dangerous chemicals into the stratosphere allegedly to reflect sunlight away from Earth.

SRM is practiced in the name of so-called “climate change,” according to advocates.

The same page of the White House document also confirms that the U.S. Congress has been directing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to fund SRM research “for the last several years.” Moreover, a 2010 report published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office implies billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent over the past few decades on geoengineering efforts.

Kristen Meghan, a former U.S. Air Force officer, has revealed alarming details about the U.S. government’s involvement in weather modification, commonly known as “chemtrails.” Initially skeptical, Meghan discovered that she had been unknowingly approving the hazardous chemicals used in these operations, including nanoparticulate metals like strontium, aluminum, and silver iodide.

 “I realized it was actually coming right out of my office as I was one of the people that was approving the chemicals,” Meghan recounted. She warned of the severe health risks posed by these chemicals, including contamination of food and water, and linked them to rising cases of neurodegenerative diseases and respiratory issues, urging public action to address the problem.

Last month, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) vowed to stop airplanes from carrying out the “crime” of spraying chemicals over Americans as part of his future role in the Trump administration, should the former president win in November.

In March 2021, GeoeongineeringWatch.org announced the release of its groundbreaking documentary, “The Dimming,” which purports to expose the existence of global weather intervention operations. “Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs?” the documentary’s description asks. Watch The Dimming [at TPFPnews.com].